Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Nice Stripers Caught - The Fall Run Has Started

Bill Johnson, John Schlaffer (AKA plasticfish23) and I met at 9am yesterday to fish both the flood and ebb currents. We cruised out on the Chesapeake Bay at 9:30 am. The water temperature was 72 degrees and was flat, with the flood current moving slowly.  Since there were no birds, we checked out 6 structures. We did have some scattered marks, but no takers. We only caught a few white perch and small stripers before lunch.

Once the water starting ebbing swiftly, the birds started to work helping us get on active stripers. From 1:50 until 4:30pm it was non-stop catching. The average stripers ranged from 18 to 28 inches. They were healthy and hard fighting.

John Wasted No Time Catching this Nice Striper
Click on Picture to Enlarge
The most productive lure was a 5" ZMan Scented Jerk ShadZ rigged on a 1/2 ounce BKD, White, 3D Red Eye jighead.

I Enjoyed Catching This Striper

Click on Picture to Enlarge

The most productive technique: Crank-Crank, Jig-Jig

This is a 2-step technique where you jig the bottom then move the lure off the bottom and up through the water columns in a jigging motion. It’s highly productive on striped bass that are on the bottom or when suspended. Accomplish this technique by snapping the wrist rather than moving the rod using just the arm.

NOTE: The boat will be drifting down current with the motor off.

1st Step-Jigging the Bottom
From the up current side of the boat, cast the lure out, put the rod at 9 o’clock and let the lure hit the bottom. Swiftly snap the rod to the 10 o’clock position lifting the lure off the bottom swiftly. When the line starts to descend again move the rod tip downward in sync with the line until the lure hits the bottom again. Do this 2 or 3 times.

2nd Step-Jigging the Water Columns
The lure is still in the water after completing the 1st Step and on the bottom. Swiftly crank on the reel handle twice (**Crank-Crank**), then swiftly jig the lure twice (**Jig-Jig**). Do this until you get a hook-up or the lure is back to the boat. 

Thank you Bill Johnson for allowing me to join you and John fish the Chesapeake Bay yesterday.

Stop working fishless waters. Contact me so I can set-up and teach you the features on you fishfinder/chartplotter. I have done a variety of 13 units to date this year.  Please see:

Click on Picture to Enlarge

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